Delta Drummond Road
Bayfield County


Smith Bridge Road
Minong Flowage Bridge
Douglas County


Mossback Road
Namekagon River Bridge
Sawyer County


Highway 77
Ghost Lake to Clam Lake
Sawyer County


Tiger Cat Road
Sawyer County



Highway 63
City of Shell Lake
Washburn County






McNeil Road
Brule River Bridge
Bayfield County


Thoroughfare Road
Lake Channel Bridge Sawyer County


Highway 2 Belknap Street
City of Superior
Douglas County


We are committed to our clients and dedicated to our employees.
We have been devoted to our community since 1995.

Northern Wisconsin-Based Engineers, Inc. (NWBE) is an engineering consulting firm specializing in transportation design and construction management. Our award winning staff includes four civil engineers and eleven civil engineering technicians.

Office Location

10593 Kansas Avenue
Hayward, Wisconsin 54843

(715) 634-4334

fax: 715-634-6434